Why Is My Evaproative Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air?
Is your evap cooler blowing hot air into your home instead of cool, crisp air? On a hot Melbourne summer day, warm air coming out from you ducted evap cooling is hardly ideal! Harley Plumbing services evap cooling but you can also follow these tips to see if you can remedy the issue.
The Condenser is Dirty
Regular servicing of your evap cooler keeps it in top condition and prevents a lot of issues. And one part that we will look at is the condenser. Look at the outside coils, are they dirty or dusty because if they are it will affect the air temperature making it hotter. And keep the maintenance around it up, meaning if you have it near a garden make sure bushes or plants are at least 2 feet away. And do not store any items closer than 2 feet – all of this will affect the air flow and temp.
The Filter Needs Replacing
The filter’s job is to keep dust and debris from blowing out of the vents. If the filter is too dirty or too old it will clog up the air flow restricting its temp. Have a look at the filter and if it looks dirty simply replace it and this should stop the hot air problem.
Thermostat Settings
Sounds simple but it may just be a wrong thermostat setting. Obviously check the temp itself and make sure it hasn’t accidentally been set too high. But check whether it is set to ‘on’ or ‘auto’. The ‘on’ setting means the air is set to flow but may not be set to cool the air. Whereas ‘auto’ will blow cool air based on the temp reading of your home.
There Could Be a Leak
Just like split systems an evap cooler has a refrigerated part of the unit. If this part has a leak and runs out of water then it cannot function properly to cool the hot air coming down. This is something you will need to call us for if you suspect it to be the issue. It needs a professional air con repairer to fix it. And we are licensed plumbers that specialize in servicing and maintaining air conditioners.
The Compressor is Damaged
If you have looked at the unit and cannot find any obvious issue then the compressor could be damaged. This is another problem that requires a professional. Call us and we can make an appointment to come and look at the issue and provide a quote to fix. We can get to you within hours!
Evaporative Cooler FAQS
When do I need to service my air con?
We recommend at least every 2 years and do so before the heat of summer. Regular maintenance extends the life of your system and makes sure it’s working at top efficiency saving you money in the long run.
The air coming out from the air con smells.
New air con pads have a mild smell at the start but this fades. If your system is older a smell may indicate it needs service and clean. As the filters may be clogged.
Do I need windows open for the evap cooler to work?
Evap cooling uses air flow to work properly. The manual will let you know the manufacturer’s recommendations and we can on install advise the right spot to crack the window. If you are not sure we advise to have at least one window open.
How much water does my evaporative cooler use?
The water use is dictated by the evaporation rate of the pads. Hotter days will see more water being used with the cooler refilling perhaps every 30 minutes.
Why is my floor wet with condensation?
This may be because you do not have enough or any windows open for the right air flow ratio. Also check if the vents are in the direction of the floor and move them upwards if they are. Another reason could be the filters are too dirty.
Why is water coming out of the Evap Cooler?
Newer evaporative coolers should not leak water as they are designed with an auto drain valve. This means every 20 or so cycles they will flush the water. Older evaps have what is called a bleed system which empties water via a continuous flow from the drain outlet when the pump is on.